Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Chapter 6: Bamboo Sticks

Living here on Ashdown Forest we share the landscape with the deer. 

Beautiful as they are, their taste for magnolia and camellia buds does present somewhat of a problem in the garden. The usual protection used to prevent extensive damage is wire netting held in place with bamboo sticks. Pretty unsightly and not always very effective. Hence the subsequent, more efficient, approach of putting up a deer-proof fence on the outer boundary.
This of course produced a - glorious - pile of beautifully weathered bamboo sticks:


And here together with the post-and-rail fencing posts - as per my previous blog posting (More on Post-and-rail fencing):

My approach with any new material is always to 'get to know' it before I begin to think about how it could be used. In this instance I decided to sort them all by size. This 'getting to know' process frees up the dialogue between me and the material. It begins to inhabit me, and I carry that consciousness with me through the different stages of preparation and creation.

I enjoyed the pattern the bundles formed and the play of light as the sun shone through the trees above at different times of the day: 

It was then time to tie them into bundles for easier handling. Again, I enjoyed and love the lines, the patterns and the rhythms as they stand stacked again the Shed wall:

I have since discovered another - huge - pile of bamboo sticks and am in the process of sorted those by size. An update will follow once that stage is completed ...

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