Tuesday, 16 April 2019

The Klein Bottle (Part II)

The Klein bottle maquette has now been fired. I was slightly hesitant at first to do what I had set out to do from the outset: cutting the form in half seemed so brutal, but that had been the intention all along, it was its raison d'être ultimately, so, helped by the fact that I find the outer form rather clumsy - and in theory is not a proper Klein bottle because it is 3-dimensional and lacks its 4th dimension, time (more about that later) - I found the process rather satisfying because it did what it was supposed to do. It gives me a view of the inner workings, which helps me better understand the Klein bottle form.  

Like the Möbius, the Klein bottle is a continuous form. It has one continuous surface, so if you let your eye or finger travel along it, you will cover the inner surface and the outer surface in one continuous movement. With the sculptural form - as opposed to a computer-generated animation: time evolution of a Klein figure - you have to cheat a little and squeeze through the small gap I have made. I'm hoping that I will find a better sculptural solution in due course.

This is one half of the 'cheating' little gap

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