Monday, 8 April 2019

Revisiting the Möbius

Möbius; drying out before firing:

I have, over the past few months, become increasingly fascinated by what are referred to as 'topological' explorations, which, here, basically means that I have returned to the Möbius - an old favourite of mine - and have discovered the Klein bottle along the way.
These are 'mathematical models', as described in this linked article:
Imaging Maths

My exploration has also led me to these books: 'Sacred Geometry - Philosophy & Practice' by Robert Lawlor, and Rachel Cusk's 'A Summer tin Italy'.
Much to inspire and much for me to learn ...
So more to follow in due course.

And it has also taken me back to where my fascination first took hold: the first fully sculptural interpretation, dating back to 2009 (an edition of 8), this particular one - coincidentally - wrapped up and ready for collection by the shipping company destined for the US. 

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