Friday, 2 December 2016

Playing with the Colours of Autumn Leaves

Drawn into the garden by the bright sunlight and the extraordinary Autumn colours - they have been magnificent this year - I had some fun on a couple of days placing some leaves from a neighbouring tree in amongst the yellow leaves that had dropped from the tree in the picture below. 

The path found itself, i.e. I simply placed red leaves in the gaps between the yellow leaves having first spent some time finding a line of connected gaps that led from the tree trunk to the edge of the 'carpet'    

Image taken as the leaves were in the process of being swept up by the lawn mower - I enjoyed the clearly defined shape of the 'carpet', which was swept away by the mower 5 minutes later 

The next morning

The second day after the passage of the mower; looking for a line through

Beautiful leathery brown leaves from a nearby Magnolia

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